Baptist Press Color
Fresh and Energetic
The color for the Baptist Press brand is meant to enforce the idea that the information presented through news platform is current and relatable. The various teal colors give a sense of freshness. The bright orange creates energy and action. The inclusion of the gold creates connection to the main SBC brand and adds a classic feel.
Color Palette
The teals can be used as the primary colors in headlines, sub-headlines, buttons, and in small details such as icons and underlines. The orange is used to create emphasis and highlight occasional important elements. The gold tones can be used in secondary subject matter and information.
Bright Teal
- RGB: 44 204 211
- CMYK: 64 0 22 0
- PMS: 319 C
- HEX: E35205
- RGB: 227 82 5
- CMYK: 6 82 100 1
- PMS: 166 C
Medium Teal
- HEX: 00B0B9
- RGB: 0 176 185
- CMYK: 75 7 29 0
- PMS: 7466 C
- HEX: CFB991
- RGB: 207 185 145
- CMYK: 13 20 45 3
- PMS: 7502 c
Dark Teal
- HEX: 088793
- RGB: 8 135 147
- CMYK: 84 31 39 4
- PMS: 2237 C
Dark Gold
- HEX: A99B70
- RGB: 169 155 112
- CMYK: 23 26 57 13
- PMS: 7503 C
Gray Color Palette
The gray palette was built off of the SBC blue color that feels cool and fresh. It can be used for different levels of text, especially in web use.
Pale Gray
- RGB: 239 241 245
- CMYK: 5 3 1 0
Light Gray
- RGB: 198 201 204
- CMYK: 22 16 15 0
- HEX: 8F9599
- RGB: 143 149 153
- CMYK: 47 36 34 1
Dark Gray
- HEX: 5D6166
- RGB: 93 97 102
- CMYK: 64 53 48 21
- HEX: 2D2F33
- RGB: 45 47 51
- CMYK: 73 66 59 60
- HEX: 0D141A
- RGB: 13 20 26
- CMYK: 80 70 63 78
Usage Examples
Color can have a powerful influence on how something feels. Here are some examples of how the colors can be used to achieve a certain tone.
- Fresh
- High Impact
- Approachable
- Sophisticated
- SBC Focused
To have a fresh color palette, rely on using the various teal colors with a pop of orange. The teals are bright, vibrant, and cool while the orange adds a sense of energy.