SBC Brand Color
Classic, strong, and radiant.
Like the logo, the color is representative of the brand identity and should remain consistent to build cohesion throughout applications. The SBC brand color includes the primary palette, extended palette, and gray palette.
Primary Color Palette
The dark blues create a perception of dependability and constancy. The gold secondary color adds warmth and relevance while an additional bright blue offers flexibility to bring a sense of approachability.
SBC Blue
- HEX: 004680
- RGB: 0 70 128
- CMYK: 100 65 0 27
- PMS: 2154 C
- HEX: 002D61
- RGB: 0 45 97
- CMYK: 100 69 0 56
- PMS: 648 C
- HEX: CFB991
- RGB: 207 185 145
- CMYK: 13 20 45 3
- PMS: 7502 C
Dark Gold
- HEX: A99B70
- RGB: 169 155 112
- CMYK: 23 26 57 13
- PMS: 7503 C
Bright Blue
- HEX: 0076D5
- RGB: 0 118 213
- CMYK: 94 41 0 0
- PMS: 2195 C
Extended Color Palette
These are recommended colors to use when you need different colors to work with outside of the primary palette. The specs for the main color is provided and tints and shades can be created by adding white or black.
- HEX: CE0019
- RGB: 206 0 25
- CMYK: 0 100 100 0
- PMS: 3546 C
- HEX: 92004D
- RGB: 146 0 77
- CMYK: 0 100 14 38
- PMS: 221 C
- HEX: FF7500
- RGB: 255 117 0
- CMYK: 0 58 100 0
- PMS: 2018 C
- RGB: 255 185 42
- CMYK: 0 25 94 0
- PMS: 1235 C
- HEX: 008624
- RGB: 0 134 36
- CMYK: 82 0 100 18
- PMS: 2258 C
- HEX: 0098B0
- RGB: 0 152 176
- CMYK: 93 2 25 4
- PMS: 7711 c
Gray Color Palette
The gray palette was built off of the SBC blue color that feels cool and fresh. It can be used for different levels of text, especially in web use.
Pale Gray
- RGB: 239 241 245
- CMYK: 5 3 1 0
Light Gray
- RGB: 198 201 204
- CMYK: 22 16 15 0
- HEX: 8F9599
- RGB: 143 149 153
- CMYK: 47 36 34 1
Dark Gray
- HEX: 5D6166
- RGB: 93 97 102
- CMYK: 64 53 48 21
- HEX: 2D2F33
- RGB: 45 47 51
- CMYK: 73 66 59 60
- HEX: 0D141A
- RGB: 13 20 26
- CMYK: 80 70 63 78
Usage Examples
Color can have a powerful influence on how something feels. Here are some examples of how the colors can be used to achieve a certain tone.
- Focused
- Modern
- Traditional
- Approachable
- Sophisticated
To make something feel very SBC focused, rely heavily on the primary color palette. Use the SBC Blue and Navy as the primary colors and pulling in the Gold for secondary uses and the Bright Blue as a pop color. This will create strong cohesion with the SBC brand.